Pimples on scalp? - scalp pimples shampoo
I have about four grains on the scalp are not the grain does not bother me that shampoos which help thinking that I maybe on the line of an anti-dandruff shampoo, I think, head and shoulders can be a bit drastic, though?
In reality too harsh a shampoo could cause this problem, because drying of the skin, your pores clogged. Try a shampoo mild shampoo and blow the whole day, try every two days and see if it helps. So let your hair dry for a while and avoid dry hair.
Sometimes, mosquitoes and masquietos in her hair and teeth! When you bit into his head to bite if u shampoo or sometimes even when wet
(also the last poster) ... Also you can not make soap out of hair and scalp, so if your cloging
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